Europe Italy

The Dominicans and the sanctuary of Our Lady of Basella


A brief description.

Our Lady with the child Jesus appeared unto Marina Cas(s)one, fifteen year, in  the village Urgnano near Bergamo in April 1356.
Later a statue was made and a church was built, and Basella grown into a place of pilgrimage.

The Dominicans of the priory Santo Stefano of Bergamo built, on invitation of Bartolomeo Colleoni, a priory and church in Basella to serve the pilgrims in 1462. The fathers Passionist took the pastoral care in 1784.








   The postmark shows Our Lady Mary with the child Jesus and  

   Marina, and the text 650th anniversary of the appearance of Our

   Lady in Basella.


   With thanks to José and Régina Bogaert –Van Wayenberge.




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