church of Saint Dominic
A brief description.
the first half of the 11th century, Calabria became a feudal dukedom of the Normans, with Cosenza as capital, located at the confluence of the Busento and Crathis rivers The town soon rebelled against the rule of Roger Guiscard and was only recaptured after a long siege. The city's archdiocese, dating to the 6th century AD, is one of the most ancient and important of the region, counting more than 130 parishes. Subsequently, under the Hohenstaufen rule, the town became the seat of the Court of Calabria (Curia Generale). The Emperor Frederick II had a particular interest in the town: he promoted construction and economic activities, organising an important annual fair.
Church of Saint Dominic.
The church of Saint Dominic, founded in 1448, combines Renaissance and Medieval elements. Its most interesting feature is the rose window defined by 16 tufa (limestone) little columns. The wooden portal (1614) shows intaglio with floreal motifs, figures of saints and coats of arms. Inside the church are works by the Cosentian A. Granata (late 18th century): Saint Rosa, Saint Catherine, Saint Ludovico, Saint Hyacinth and Saint Dominic. The high altar is made of polychrome marble (1767). In the transept, there is a Deposition and a Saint Vincent Ferrer (late 18th century, anonymous). The sacristy is noted for its ribbed vault, a double lancet window with a narrow arch and a wooden choir created in 1635.
The city was damaged by earthquakes in 1783, 1854, 1870 and 1905, and frequently bombed in 1943. Today it is an important commercial and agricultural centre with an University.
Sources: Wikipedia and others.
Church of Saint Dominic.
Italy 2000. Postmark Cosenza 28.10.2000.
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