Janów Lubelski
Dominican priory and church
sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin

A brief description.

For the early history of the Dominicans in Poland click here.


Wojiech Boski in Janów Lubelski

On 2d November 1645 the Blessed Virgin appeared to Wojciech Boski and said: 'This is God willing on this place God to prise and glorify.'  The place was Janów Lubelski.
On 8th December 1660 Count Jan Zamoyski founded there a priory and church for the Dominicans with the shrine of the Blessed Virgin, a copy of the icon 'Salus Populi Romani'. This church is dedicated to John the Baptist (Jana Chrzciciela), and rebuilt in the late-Baroque style in the first half of the 18th century.


The icon of the Blessed Virgin 'Salus Populi Romani' 

The icon of the Madonna and Child, reputed to date to Early Christian times, in the Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica in Rome, is historically the most important Marian icon in Rome.
The phrase 'Salus Populi Romani' (as 'Health or well-being of the Roman people') goes back to the legal system and pagan rituals of the ancient Roman Republic, where Livy tells us that the augur would ask the gods for permission for the praetors to pray for it.

See for details wikipedia s.v. Salus Populi Romani.

On 5th September 1985 was the coronation of the shrine.

Source: internet, and many information by Magister Bogdan Michalak, 31.12.2007.



Postal card with the church of Saint John the Baptist.
In the postmark the Blessed Virgin, the coat of arms of
the city.

Poland 1995. Postal card.





Postal card with the picture of the Blessed Virgin of
Janów Lubelski in the former Dominican church
of John the Baptist. To see:
Wojciech Boski knelt for the picture of the Blessed Virgin.
Iscription: Mother of God said to Wojciech Boski:
 'This is God willing on this place God to praise and  to glorify.'

In the postmark: the shrine of the Blessed Virgin of Janów Lubelski , - a copy of the icon 'Salus Populi Romani'.

Poland 1995. Postal card
                      Postmark 08.09.1995


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