German Breslau
priory, church of Saint Adalbert and monastery of Saint Catherine of Alexandria
For the early history of the Dominicans in Poland, click here.
A brief history of the city.
Wroclaw was an important member of the Hanseatic League, Its economic development was due to its propitious situation at the crossroads of the trading routes leading from the North to the South and from the West to the East in the 14th and 15th centuries
The majority of its sacral and lay buildings were erected at that time. Some of them have been preserved until the present day.
The Dominicans came from Kraków to Wroclaw to serve the church of Saint Adalbert in 1226. After the destruction by the Tartars in 1241, they rebuilt the church in 1493.
The duke Henri V, Grubby (the fat), founded a monastery for the Dominican nuns in Wroclaw in 1294, dedicated to Catherine of Alexandria.
The chapel is in use by the Evangelical Church since 1810 and now the office of the Institute of Care of Monuments.
Sight on Wroclaw with the church of Saint Adalbert
and the monastery of Saint Catherine of Alexandria.
Poland 1972, postal card.
In the postmark some buildings, among them the church of Saint Adalbert and the chapel of the monastery of the Dominican nuns, dedicated to Saint Catherine of Alexandria.
Poland 1984, cover with postmarks of Wroclaw.
Wroclaw with the Dominican church and the monastery
after an engraving of Hartmann's Liber Chronicarum opus
de historiis aetatum mundi (1493). Wroclaw in 1470.
Poland 1985 Special cover with postmark of Wroclaw 25.10.1985.
Poland 1981, Mi 2737, Sc 2441.
1982, Mi 2817, Sc 2457
with overprint.
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