Dominican church of Saint Paul (San Pablo)
college of Saint Gregory (San Gregorio)


A brief description.

The Dominicans in Valladolid

In 1260 doña Violante of Aragon, wife of Alfonso X, the Wise (23.11.1221-04.04.1284), founded houses for Franciscans and Dominicans in Valladolid.  

The priory

The Dominican priory, dedicated to Saint Paul (San Pablo), was realized in 1276. Juan II lived there, and was temporarily buried there until his remains could be transferred to the Cartuja de Miraflores. After many years the priory is now a Gothic building by the architect Símón de Colonia (Simon of Köln +1511).

The church of Saint Paul

Between 1445 and 1468 cardinal Juan de Torquemada, O.P. (1388-1458), inquisitor general, rebuilt with support of the Catholic Kings and others the church. In this church Felipe II was baptized.

Cardinal Garcia de Loaysa, confessor of Charles V, built the sacristy.

In the church the chapel with the statue of Saint Dominic by the sculptor Gregorio Fernández. Many statues, so of  Saint Catharine of Siena, O.P., Saint Peter Martyr of Verona O.P., and Saint Teresa of Avila.

The most notable feature of which is the facade of the church, built at the expense of cardinal Juan de Torquemada, O.P. (1388-1468) and Fr. Alonso de Burgos, bishop of Palencia,1586-1492 by Simón de Colonia in 1492. Above the doorway the stone-sculptor of the Coronation of the Virgin (1492) by  Simón the Colonia.

College of Saint Gregor (San Gregorio)

Beside the priory is the Dominican College of San Gregorio, founded in 1488 by Fr. Alonso de Burgos, confessor of Isabella the Catholic, and built by the architects Juan Guas (+1496) and Gil de Siloé, active 1467-1501. In this complex the theological studium was accommodated by Juan de Torquemada, O.P. (1388-1468).  In 1501 pope Alexander VI (1492-1503) granted the favour to confer academic degrees. Pope  Clemens VI (1342-1352) granted the college the status of university in 1436,  and Pope Martin V (1417-1431) established the faculty of theology. The famous Luis de Granada, O.P. (1504-03.12.1588) studied there. Its cloister, with a double gallery, is also notable.

In 1835 the Dominicans had to leave the priory and college because of the Spanish legislation. The faculty of theology was closed in 1848. Nowadays the buildings house the Museo Nacional de Escultura.

Sources: Wikipedia and others.


The front of the church of Saint Paul
(San Paulo) in Valladolid.

Spain 1992 Mi Bl 51; Sc 2690.





      The main patio of the college of Saint Gregor
      (San Gregorio) in Valladolid.



                                             Spain 1966, Mi 1644, Sc 1362.




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